Hello, I'm Sierra Massey, a 14-year-old high school freshman with a passion for art, design, volleyball, and singing. I am also a bilingual Spanish-speaker and have been in a dual-language immersion program since kindergarten. I spend my free time drawing, painting, relaxing, and hanging out with friends and family. I live with both of my parents, and my three brothers. My name, Sierra, means mountain range in Spanish, and my middle name is a river in Africa; hence, the phrase "water in a dry land" describes me because I am the first known, and only, girl born in the Massey family as far back as my family can trace.
I am very pleased to be a member of Dream Girls. With classes on character building, life skills, and etiquette, through Dream Girls, I'm being prepared for a successful future. On Sunday, April 27th, I’m excited to participate in the Dream Girls Debutante Gala "Vessels of Honor"! I'll be sending you an invitation soon.
In preparation for the Gala, we will have a souvenir book which will give you the opportunity to offer encouraging words to me. My goal is $1000.00. Will you help me reach my goal? Please choose your level of sponsorship to support me in reaching my goal. Your support is very much appreciated!